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CITYMOVER operates in the national and international market providing Moving Services, Storage, Transport Logistics and Technical Services, ensuring satisfaction the needs of all relevant stakeholders and the continuous improvement of its processes

As a way of guaranteeing and maintaining the quality of services and continuous customer satisfaction, CITYMOVER is committed to:

• Ensure active leadership, committed to the development, implementation and continuous improvement of the Management and Quality System in accordance with the requirements of NM ISPO 9001:2015:

• Provide services in accordance with the legal requirements applicable to the activity, with the requirements of the different necessary parts, the reference standard and other requirements to which it subscribes within the scope of Quality;

• Systematically evaluate the results and periodically review the Quality System, complying with its requirements, ensuring monitoring, review of objectives, in order to guarantee the continuous improvement of the performance and effectiveness of the system;

• Develop the skills of employees, promoting the motivation and participation of all, stimulating the capacity for initiative and teamwork.

• Commit the entire company, suppliers, partners and other interested parties to the fulfillment of the Quality Management System in order to guarantee high quality standards in the services provided;

The top management of CITYMOVER is committed to setting and monitoring quality objectives perfectly aligned with its strategic orientation, review the Quality Policy periodically and ensure that it is implemented, maintained, communicated and understood at all levels of the organization, making this available to other interested parties whenever necessary.

Maputo, May 20, 2022

António Sousa


Great Moving Company

If you need change, please contact during
office hours.

20 300 586 ou  84 343 3301